We all have a story.
The goal of the ROOTED experience is for you to deepen your connection with God, His church and the epic story he is writing in YOU and through human history!
Beyond a program, seminar, or small group, ROOTED is a catalyst for life-change. ROOTED provokes questions, conversations, and beyond-what-is-comfortable group experiences that are designed to help you find yourself in God’s story. You’ll begin to see God in new ways and hear His voice in surprising places. In a world that can be fragmented, isolated, and empty, ROOTED allows you to experience a different way of life: community, intimacy, and generosity. Through this experience we hope you will be emboldened to live out your calling as a radical follower of Jesus. The word radical comes from the Latin root word “radix” meaning “a root”. By rooting ourselves in God’s Word and His truths, we have a firm foundation on which we love the world.
ROOTED is a significant commitment. We want to be up-front about that. HCC leadership has taken on the challenge of providing the foundation for this to happen here with HCC. But anything worth doIng involves a certain amount of sacrifice on your part as well. During the 10-week experience you will go through various individual exercises (daily Bible reading, journaling, and prayer) and then meet weekly in your groups to talk about what you have learned. You will be surprised what happens when your group gathers and begins to honestly share. What God is doing in the group soon becomes the curriculum as the Holy Spirit moves people to open up and share personal stories and feelings. This is where transformation takes place. There will be a serve project, a prayer and fasting experience, and sharing your story with others that will enrich and challenge you.
No matter where you stand in your relationship with Jesus at the beginning of ROOTED, there is always room to move forward. For some of us that may mean deciding for the first time to follow Jesus and be baptized. For others it will mean letting go of the things of this world to follow His call more courageously. These kinds of defining moments will mean your life will never be the same. After the 10 weeks together, you’ll join all the other ROOTED groups to celebrate the journey.
Plan to come with an open heart and mind,
and see how God will surprise you!
"NEW" UPCOMING FALL 2022 "ROOTED" GROUP will begin meeting this coming Autumn. Dates to be posted this late Summertime.
CONTACT Clare Buhler for more information, or to sign up to participate!
Check out more about what ROOTED is at: experiencerooted.com