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OCTOBER Income:  $31,285.09

OCTOBER Actual Expenses: $38,707.91

OCTOBER Expense to Income: -$7,422.82

OCTOBER Budget Projected Need: $43,382.66

Year-To-Date INCOME: $348,720.04

Year-To-Date EXPENSES:  $410,135.48

Year-To-Date Expense to Income: -$61,415.44


("Vital Stats" for the month are updated after the Leadership Team Meeting for the month following.)

       H.C.C. '24 Budget

FINANCES WITH HCC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


God's people are called to be "givers" rather than "takers".  Generosity is a hallmark of a transformed heart.

HCC is blessed with folks who love the Lord and people, and who desire to make His love known in this world.

They give of their hard-earned money out of gratitude for God's grace toward them, not because they think it will earn them any favor. With this in mind, the leadership at HCC is keenly aware that these monetary gifts have meaning. Not so much in their dollar value, but that they were given with the heart. That said, it is important that those gifts and the spirit in which they were given be honored by careful stewardship and integrity.

TRANSPARENCY  is important to the HCC family, and especially among those entrusted to lead.

Our church finances are no exception.


Complete Monthly Financial Reports of "Profit-Loss",  "Account Details", "Previous Year Comparisons", and a "Monthly Balance Sheet" is available  upon request from the HCC Offices at any time.

We have a thorough system of checks and balances for the recording of Offerings/Donations, and Accounts Payable. If you would like more information about those safeguards, please contact our Administration Ministry Team Leader, JEFF KNOX, or Elder Liaison to the Administration Team, JESSE KAMPFER, or any of our Elders or Pastoral Staff.


We want to be good stewards of the financial resources God entrusts this congregation of believers to manage for the good of His Kingdom.




 * Early NOVEMBER - HCC Leadership Team reviews Year-To-Date numbers and begins formulating what ministry needs their areas might   have for the coming year. Ministry Team Leaders meet with their team to pray, talk over, and plan for next calendar year.

* DECEMBER -  HCC Leadership Team continues their review of Year-To-Date numbers and hones in on changes/continuing/new ministry needs their areas might have for the coming year. Groups finalize their budget needs for the new year and report to the appropriate Ministry Team Leader by the close of the calendar year.

* EARLY JANUARY - With year-end final financial numbers in place, the Elders and Ministry Team Leaders carefully prepare their new Proposed   Budgets for the new year. Consideration for giving results, previous year comparisons, and what will be needed in the coming year are   all evaluated.

* MID-JANUARY -  The new years HCC PROPOSED BUDGET is reviewed and finalized by end of the second week of January. The HCC Leadership Team gives it's approval after the Elders approval is given, and the new budget is then made available to the HCC family via email, paper copies, requested mailings, and on this website.

* JANUARY 12, 2025 -   HCC 2025 PROPOSED BUDGETS are
 available online, at the HCC Offices, in regular attenders HCC Mailboxes, and Worship venues.


* GIVING STATEMENTS are available for donors in an online email (if they provided an email address) or in their HCC mailbox at our facility. Those not picked up from boxes will be mailed the first week of February to donor's home address on file.

* JANUARY 19, 2025 - HCC 2025 PROPOSED BUDGET "PRESENTATION" Meeting  for questions and answers from the HCC congregation.  Time and location TBA. The Meeting will be limited to less than an hour.

* JANUARY 26, 2025 -   HCC 2025 BUDGET "PLEDGE OF SUPPORT" will be called for. Those who are a regular part of this local church are

 welcomed to pledge their support in prayer, volunteer time, and finances to help with the HCC Ministries shown in this new year's budget. Pledges of Commitment to support can be made by:
1. Email response to the "Friday News"
2. Paper Pledge Card on Sunday morning January .
3. Mail in a Pledge Card
4. Designating on the facebook "comment" section during Sunday
Worship Celebration  that you "Support Budget".


ANY QUESTIONS regarding HCC Budget/Finances/and the Administration Ministry?

Please contact Administration Team Leader, JEFF KNOX, or Elder liaison, JESSE KAMPFER.

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