We understand that the Lord wants us to love and serve others
on a global scale. We are to "reach out" beyond the culture and
land in which we live. But we also know that He intends us to
connect with our neighbor across the street, the families in our
community, the kids in our neighborhoods. The "great commission"
is to Harrisburg, Oregon and our surrounding communities too!
With that in mind, we support some local ministries and coordinate
service opportunities for the HCC family to engage in in a very "local"
way. All to share the love in Christ in word and "deed" right HERE
where, and with whom, we live every single day.

GOD'S STOREHOUSE FOOD PANTRY and THRIFT STORE benefits families and individuals in need of food assistance in the Harrisburg and Halsey communities. Sponsored by the Harrisburg Ministerial Association, GSH has a board of Directors and Administrator, Vesta Craiger (part of our HCC family!), along with many volunteer workers.
Food sources come from donations through local churches, businesses, and individuals, along with Food for Lane County. The Thrift Store provides clothing and household items for families and need and for sale to others who would like to support GSH. The Storehouse is located at 180 Smith Street in Harrisburg between the Post Office and Gazebo/Riverfront area. Hours are Tuesday 9am-5pm, Wednesday 9am-1pm, and Thursday 9am to 5pm. You can contact them by phone at 541-995-8403 during those hours.
GOD'S STOREHOUSE CHRISTMAS GIFTS FOR KIDS: HCC participates in this annual Christmas effort to make sure kids in our local community have gifts for Christmas. A "Tree" at HCC with tags that have info about specific children and their needs is ready each season for folks to purchase gifts all with the love of Jesus in mind to give to some special local families.
GSH "CHILI & SOUP COOK-OFF" FUND RAISER: Each Fall here in our HCC facility. 2024 event is set for NOV. 17 at Noon.
A wonderful opportunity to eat some great food, bid on some yummy "silent auction" baked goods, and support God's Storehouse! (To enter your favorite Chili or Soup in the Cook-off, contact the HCC Office for more information.)

"MISSION TO HARRISBURG" SERVICE PROJECTS happen every springtime with our HCC family! Each year brings a different slate of jobs and ministry opportunities to serve our community at large, the schools, and individuals in need. In years gone by we have painted ball field dug-outs, constructed fencing, and other projects for our local schools. Most years find folks helping "senior saints" or those unable to tackle work in and around their homes. We've worked on demolition on the Elementary School playground that is out-dated and a safety hazard to ready it for new equipment, as well as doing a landscape/beautification project for the City on the north entrance into town and in front of the tennis courts on Smith Street.
NEW EAGLE'S NEST PLAYGROUND is in order for the "Eagles Nest" Courts area across from Harrisburg Elementary and Middle School. HCC is spearheading the Fund Raising and installation of new equipment for that project. If you would like to donate funds toward this community project, please see our DONATIONS page and follow to the PLAYGROUND project link. GRAND OPENING & DEDICATION set for AUGUST 17, 2024, SATURDAY at 2:00pm. General public is welcome!!

HOSEA YOUTH SERVICES seek to help at-risk and homeless youth in Eugene, Oregon ages 16-24, create and sustain healthy lives away from the streets. Hosea Youth Services Project (HYS), we understand that our vision to keep at-risk and homeless youth off the streets is lofty and may seem to be an unattainable goal, but it always keeps us pursuing more. The way we currently look to achieve our vision is through our mission of serving Lane County homeless and at-risk youth by helping them create and sustain healthy lives away from the streets. Many of our local kids in our community who run from home, go first to Eugene. HYS was born on the streets of Eugene in 1995 in response to the growing number of homeless and hungry youth. These youth were hungry for more than bread. Often not having the support of a healthy family, these youth turn to one another for “family”. Hoping to introduce them to the "Bread of Life: Jesus", Hosea is in it for the long haul, hoping to lead youth to a safe, secure relationship with the Lord and Jesus' followers.
HCC has been helping provide a monthly EVENING MEAL the FOURTH WEDNESDAY by donating food and meal supplies, helping transport and serve the meal at their location off W. 8th Street in Eugene. Sign Up lists are available on Sunday mornings in our Worship venues and weekdays in the HCC Office. If you would like to help with Hosea meals, contact HCC'er Marie Kampfer.

SAFE FAMILIES is a movement fueled by compassion to keep children safe and families intact in our local communities. Through Host Families, Family Friends, and Family Coaches, they temporarily host children and provide a network of support to families in crisis while they get back on their feet. Common crisis includes homelessness, medical issues, domestic violence, incarceration and substance abuse treatment. This program is often a better option than foster care and ensures that parents can maintain full custody and contact with their children without getting the state involved. HCC is committed to help any way we can to encourage support of this ministry.

HARRISBURG SCHOOL'S "FOOD TO HOME" ... Our public schools here in Harrisburg operate on a four day school week. There are many kids in our community who need food assistance and receive "free" school breakfasts and lunches. But on weekends they find themselves hungry with no provision for food in their struggling families. HCC is pleased to help with the Districts "FOOD TO HOME" program that provides extra food items sent home on Thursdays for specific children determined by their teachers. We donate a monthly financial gift to help with this important program to help feed and care for our local kids.

KIDS GRACE BAG CHRISTMAS PROJECT... Our children assemble bags of helpful items to distribute to our homeless neighbors every holiday season. The HCC family donates items like: Bottled water, individual food supplies, toiletries, etc. and our children bag them up in zip-loc bags and distribute them. It's a life-lesson in giving and helping those in need as their Children's Worship leaders spend time talking about serving others in Jesus' name...how it doesn't matter how old you are, you can be a helper!

SCHOOL SUPPLIES FAIR... Each August HCC prepares backpacks full of needed items for kids and families who need a little extra help being ready for the start of school in the fall in the Harrisburg School District! 2024 event is AUGUST 17, Saturday from 10:00am to noon. Supplies are FREE while they last!

HARRISBURG CHRISTIAN CHURCH BUILDING FACILITIES ... we try very hard to be good stewards of the great gift of our buildings and surrounding parking lots and fields we have. HCC is committed to sharing those gifts with our community in what ever way we can. Our Activity Center building is used regularly by the School District and is referred to as the "3rd Gym in town". P.E. Classes, Volleyball and Basketball teams from the school use it regularly. Eagle Athletics, the kids sports league in town, also hold practices and games in our A.C. during volleyball and basketball seasons. Other non-profit groups use our facilities for meetings, banquets, and programs. Red Cross does regular Blood Drives in our building and parking areas. The Elementary & Middle School teachers and visitors park in our front parking lots every school day and for evening programs. Many non-profit groups have made good use of our buildings and surrounding areas. We are pleased to share with these non-profit groups who are compatible with Christian teachings.